Longleat Brochure

Longleat Brochure

Longleat Brochure The newly designed longleat brochures aimed to look classy and adventurous, being aimed at a young family market. The animals feature strongly in the brochures and the arrangement of the inner part was set out like a safari park map. These were...
Sunset Packaging

Sunset Packaging

Sunset Packaging Logo and brochure design for a packaging supplier company. These were printed using pantone colour and UV spot varnish finish for the logo. The inner part of the brochure included cutter divider guide. The brochure was full colour with original...
3M Privacy

3M Privacy

3M Privacy These brochures, flyers, handouts and keyrings were designed for a campaign for a new product from 3M. These were used at an event promoting publicity of the new product and handed out to potential clients. Latest work Longleat BrochurePrint The Late...
Jaguar Brochure

Jaguar Brochure

Jaguar Brochure This brochure for Jaguar was used for promotion of their services and cars. The logo and 24 page brochure entitled “Right First Time” were designed, along with a face for a CD ROM included in the package. Logo design, colour scheme and all layout...
Sony Spirit of Evolution

Sony Spirit of Evolution

Sony Spirit of Evolution Linked with the project for the design of the logo and exhibition stand for a large international Sony event, these travel information packs were produced and sent out to guests with tickets to the event. They utilised the same logo, and with...